Separate foods slimming
Person does not like the rules, and constraints, especially in the power supply. According to the statistics, 90% have started to follow such or such a regime, sooner or later, she refuses to be at its initial level. Separate foods slimming is different from plans that practically does not require change himself, to overcome each day, the strength of will artificial self-limitation.
Missing the psychological discomfort, the metabolism, one of the causes of overweight. The menu of the separation of the diversified diet and not get bored. Thus, this method a good power supply, you can transform it into a continuous and never sit on a diet.
Why is it important to eat well, you don't have to lose weight

Usually, the word system refers to one thing or another limit eating habits, although, in Greek, the word means "power mode", that is to certain rules of the consumption of the food.
If you follow a diet that limits entry of substances necessary for hard self-restraint, sooner or later, will result in the body of failure due to a change in the functioning of the organs and systems.
It is important to understand that no scheme can not cope with the fullness. Slimming is necessary to ensure the consistency of work throughout the body. To achieve a positive result allows to follow the principles of the separation of the power supply. They are easy to maintain throughout the life.
Overweight is often due to a lack of healthy nutrition, the digestion of the child. The consumption of large quantities of products manufactured with modern technologies, unfavorable environment create many of the conditions for change within the organization, can cause a variety of diseases and genetic mutations that are hereditary.
On the accumulation of pounds affects the violation of the speed of the metabolic processes, the mode of life. Not a secret that many modern people lack of physical activity, physical fatigue does not count. The accumulation of excess weight is usually in the case of the bad mood or depression stress food.
The human body is designed in such a way as significantly to the limitation of the power during the regime, the fat cells are spent extremely carefully. In women, the fat stores accumulated enough over 9 months, so it is more difficult to standardize the body weight.
In addition, when a "strict" diet product of the enzymes that promote fat accumulation. Therefore, after the end of the same food without the calories that the body continues to create reserves on the case of the ordinary "for the hungry".
Following the principles of the separation of power, manage in a natural way to lose weight without having to resort to various methods to artificially normalize the body weight.
The use of the good food
The idea of the separation of power is not new, but most of the details of his has been examined and analyzed by Herbert Shelton in the book "the right combination of foods", published in 1971. The author, doctor of medicine, pediatrics, philosophy, philology and other sciences, belongs to the order of 40 scientific articles.
In 1928, in the clinic of the School health doctors Shelton" he has cured of various serious diseases good eating famine foods, as well as the physical workload, exposure to fresh air, sunshine, clean water, a good rest, sleep, hygiene and the control of emotions. G. Shelton died at the age of 100 years.
The principles of the separation of power does not apply only on the compatibility or non-compatibility of the individual dishes, but also on the philosophy of food. It turns out, the benefits of the consumption of good food will be low, if eat his troubled in the state, such or such a disease.
The rules of the diet is not serious. The author, instead, proposes a specific approach to the consumption of certain products, according to the compatibility chart. The arguments of reason and is based on the observation of physiologists, nutritionists and other specialists.
The principles of the separation of the power for health and slimming
In the event of a power supply according to a traditional menu, in the stomach turns out to be a mixture of the food. Each species requires its transformation and assimilation. Often, these processes are in competition among themselves, inhibit each other and prevent each other to work again for their variety of food, create an increased load on the organs of the digestive system.
The chemicals required for the cleavage of the carbohydrates, do not act on the protein, and vice-versa. For the digestion of the starch, the more rpandu carbohydrate is necessary to slightly alkaline on Wednesday. In acidic carbohydrates causes fermentation, gas formation. In turn, the protein is digested acidic environment of the stomach.
When the consumption of a product, for example, bread, containing a compound of carbohydrates and protein, the body is able to adapt by highlighting for the digestion of carbohydrates almost neutral gastric juice. Through some time the acidity of the juice to increase the cleavage contained in the bread of the protein.
If carbohydrates and proteins are derived from different products (meat with potatoes), the body secretes sour juice, not allowing it to usable carbohydrates.
As we know, the saliva gives an alkaline reaction, and because breakdown of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. But c is neutralized even the weak acid. Therefore properly first to eat of the meat, and then the carbohydrates.
The menu of the separation of power requires the consumption of meals of carbohydrate and protein in a few hours between meals.
How to combine the products with separate power supply

Each product contains a combination of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. The separate power supply has decided to assign to one group or the other:
- The protein-rich meat products. the fish. the cheese. cereals. legumes. nuts .
- In the form of starch carbohydrates are stored in the rye. the wheat. potatoes. The starch is also rich in peas. the courgette. the pumpkin. Less starch of the sugar beet. cabbage. carrots. Very little in the green vegetables: the celery. cabbage. the leaves of beets. the rave. the pumpkin. cucumbers. the persil. garlic. the green peas. radish .
- Carbohydrates in the form of sugar is a lot in the honey. the sand. soft fruit – bananas. izioum. plumps up. khaki. the pear .
- In the olive oil. sunflower. the corn oil. creamy. walnut oils are rich in fats. They are also numerous in the fat. the meat fatty, the fatty fish. nuts .
- The fruit acids are presented oranges. apples. lemons. the grape. plums and sour varieties, as well as the vegetables to the sauerkraut .
- No fruit acids are considered to be sweet apple. fisheries. pears. the apricots. plum. the blueberry .
During the development of the card separate power for weight loss is necessary to take into account the incompatibility of certain types of proteins. Also you can drink several varieties of nuts, but do not mix proteins of different products. For example, a protein in the meat, requires an acid medium, first digestion, and the protein of cheese to its end.
Do not try to "help" the digestion of protein by eating the food with the lemon juice, the vinegar, the fruit acids. Acid reduces the secretion of gastric juice, why is the digestion of the meat slows down. Cheese or nuts due to the high content of fats inhibit the selection of juices in the stomach, which helps prevent rot and sooner or later be recycled.
Protein-rich foods are compatible with herbs, green vegetables, which have virtually no starch: fresh green beans, tender varieties of squash and pumpkins, celery, cucumber, radish, persil, salad.
Fatty foods slows down the secretion of gastric juice, it is not necessary to consume protein together with fat food. In the contrary case, the protein to digest not completely. The action of the grease is eliminated with the consumption of greens, green vegetables. Salads do not fill it with the vegetable oil.
Generally, with a separate power supply is no need for any oil, which is important for weight loss. Oil is not food and seasoning. If such or such a dish does not mean no oil, the body to this dish is not necessary.
The sugar is not compatible with the protein-rich food, as digested in the intestine. After a brief stint in the stomach, where the heat and humidity, the sugar causes fermentation and gas formation.
Sugary foods are also not to be used with carbohydrates. Validates the combination of oil and bread, but without the jam or the jam. Not worth it to combine in a single honey and cakes.
Mammals, unlike adults, curdled milk only in infancy. In the stomach, it bends and becomes the ricotta cheese, by wrapping other food, and thus preventing its digestion. Milk is better to drink separately, in itself. Same with the cereals benefits low.
The sentence to avoid the desserts, and this rule is not only important for weight loss. With separate power supply such as a dish of cakes, fruit-sweetened well-digested. In combination with other products of digestion is greatly reduced.
Eat fruits, especially watermelons and melons, you must separately from other products, to use them as a main dish and considered as a "real" meal. The evil fruits mix with carbohydrates, because protein digested in the intestine. The presence of other materials leads to a delay in the stomach and a fermentation.
Separate foods helps to lose weight, because it prevents the formation on the walls of the bowel rotting of proteins. It is believed that this phenomenon is inherent to a civilized human being, and with it the body has learned a lot of success to face.
In reality, the products of decomposition — carbon dioxide. the acetic acid. the alcohol found in the blood, causing atherosclerosis. wear and age prematurely the body.
The body is forced to spend their energy on their neutralisation, instead of fighting with the fat mass, improve well-being.
Table of compatibility of products
During the development of the card separate power supply for weight loss choose compatible products beautiful table. Each variety of products assigned to the room. For example, cheese is assigned to n ° 14, this number is indicated in the classification of rows and columns.
It is obvious that during the verification of the compatibility of cheese(14) with sweet fruits(9) indifferent, in what order do the checks of cheese with sweet fruits or, conversely, sweet fruits with cheese. The result in both cases is to achieve the same.
In order to avoid the duplication of data in the following table presents the result of the compatibility of a combination of products. It is this which explains his "triangular".

For example, you want to verify the compatibility of sweet fruits (9) and the cheese (14). Seek in the table the line n ° 9 matching sweet fruit. But it ends in column 8 and in column no. 14, corresponding to the cheese, nothing! How to be?
Therefore, you need to check the compatibility of the feedback combination, that is cheese (14) and sweet fruits (9). In line 14, corresponding to the cheese, contains the cell of column 9, that corresponds to the sweet fruit.
This cell red. Therefore, the cheese and the sweet fruit with separate power supply are not compatible and therefore, these products do not use simultaneously.
Why separate foods to help lose weight
The principles of this type of good diet it is difficult to call the regime. Rather, it is a little bit different, a "separate" approach to the consumption of products, based on the consideration of the characteristics of the process of cleavage of proteins and carbohydrates.
Separated from the way the food is practised in the animal world. But man has learned to expose the natural products of thermal treatment, is their boil, fry, cook. For more of the original feel mix in a variety of combinations, to be exercised in the map, and after complaining of fullness, shortness of breath, the need to lose weight, high pressure, and the issue of health.
The mixed part of the food is not digestible, rots, the products of degradation are in the adipose tissue. Accordingly, we must seek one or the other means to lose weight, but a lot easier not to admit the mixture of different products, by using them separately.
The size of the portions in the menu slimming can be arbitrary. The main criterion — the clean sensation. If, by reason of the table managed to get up, with a slight feeling of hunger, which, through the fifteen minutes pass, therefore, the size of the portions is selected, it is true. If there are all the same urge, the need, following the receipt of increasing the portion size of approximately 10 to 15 percent.
Very quickly, we will succeed to understand the real needs of the organization. To understand what it is, in what quantity and at what frequency need to eat, not to experience discomfort and at the same time to lose weight.
Not worth it to eat at a certain time, it is much more important to wait for the sensation as the body begins to be hungry. Then digest the food more fully and with pleasure. Some of you may want to go half-board. If due to some reasons it is impossible to eat or just had no appetite, no worries. The body is equal to the will the his the other day, it is a sign of recovery.
Will disappear imposed on modern information of the view Matrix on the taste of the products. The penalty of forfeit tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, all kinds of fruit juice, man-made pastry, canned products. This will help you to bring the body back to the ability to get pleasure from the taste and flavour of natural food.
There will be forces of self-healing, normalizes the activity of the digestive system. The food is absorbed more fully and with less consumption of energy, the microflora of the gut found that it was more of vitamins, strengthens the immune system, and the standardization of the mass of the body, rot in the large intestine.
A good diet can not only lose weight, but also to be in good health, overcome depression and stress.